



Brewing & Quality conclave 2011-2017照片



In the past ten years of corporate management integration, change is the eternal topic. But the only thing not changed is Budweiser Quality.

We integrated Budweiser quality culture with VPO and made it more deeply rooted. 

How to keep Budweiser quality in this changing world First thing is YJ’s strong leadership and support. Every year we have quality forum to deliver clear message to our team from 2011 to 2018. Every year we have quality topic Budweiser workshop, CC, Consistency, BS, food safety, PI&QI and passion for beer.

In 2011-2012With Budweiser cross brewing in China, How to Keep quality consistency, It is a topic. So Budweiser workshop was held in this year, and develop Brewing Brewmaster talents.

Budweiser quality culture extend to all the brands. In 2013, Quality & Technology Conclave was held and all supply and logistic team involved.

CC was the topic for the 1st Quality & Technology Conclave.


In 2014, Quality consistency, we focus on the consistency for all brands, from malt, brewing, packaging and maintenance support and data consistency, all the process consistency is the topic of this conclave.

In 2015, It’s a year of Sensory upgrading, main defects checklist was developed, include grainy, sulfur, astringent and deep cleaning; Great BPs were sharing to all the breweries to improve sensory quality.

In 2016, Food safety was held in zone, focus on legal compliance and GFSI, robust initiative was developed and implemented.

In 2017, the topic of conclave is how to improve quality efficiency, through reducing PI and QI. All plant managers, brewmasters and ZBS routine MCRS was enhanced in this conclave.

In 2018, Passion for beer was the topic, just one month later after SLC cascading.  Three topics were selected in our beer pillar, beer liquid, packaging quality and food safety. All brewmsaters and QA managers were invited to participate this forum. The key message is

Bring our beer to the center of everything we do.

Budweiser heritage is the key to successfully support the cross-brewing and top line growth in APACN, BUD from one brewery to 15 breweries and total volume is over 20MHL. We are proud that Foshan is now the largest producer of Budweiser in the world,7.0 MM hls/year!

With Budweiser quality culture heritage, not only Budweiser volume and brewery number increased, but also taste score increased year by year. We never forget our dream: win the Budweiser Cup.

In 2012, no brewery ranked in TOP20; in 2018, 10 breweries(50%) ranked in TOP20.

Win Global Budweiser Cup is our dream. We are getting more and more close to the dream.  TAS breweries ranked in TOP3 in 2018, it is the best record and we are still working for the better.

Budweiser quality is our DNA. It will be carried forward to the future to support the excellence performance and top line growth.

This is the real passion for beer, never compromise on quality, always care for the consumers.


总监/Bops/厂长/ZBQZBS各位视频,最后形成一个passion for beer或者别的造型

1, 总监/Bops 同时出现电脑分屏,庞总在中间,异口同声的说Passion for beerWe brew Quality”,速度调整成一样的

2, 其他的人依次飞出,无说话的声音,韩国视频放在倒数第二个,ZBQ的视频放在最后一个显示

3, 最后所有的视频WE BREW QUALITY”,显示在屏幕中下方





屏幕显示,分两行(主标题和副标题):VPO Forum in Putian -  New VPO Kick off

脚本:Using New VPO to improve beer quality

PUT VPO Forum照片


屏幕显示,分两行(主标题和副标题): Malt Workshop in Ningbo - strengthen suppliers’ quality improvement

Malt workshop照片


屏幕显示,分两行(主标题和副标题):Passion for Beer in Harbin -

We Brew Quality, our Commitment to quality

Passion for Beer in HRB照片


屏幕显示:Media Open Day in Foshan



屏幕显示:VPO Forum in Putian

PUT VPO 2nd论坛照片



Quality Week Kick Off

35 breweries

31 DCs/ 1 Malt VOP

27 breweries invited wholesalers

27 breweries invited suppliers

6 breweries invited media

10 breweries invited regulator.

Quality week focus on: Food safety, Freshness, Blocking, Package Quality, Supplier Quality.


(文件夹1:  9张照片,包括5张照片合影,4张老板照片,交替排版)




屏幕显示,分两行(主标题和副标题):PM Meeting Summary in FOS

One Team, One Dream, APAC No.1

PM meeting summary in FOS照片


屏幕显示,分两行(主标题和副标题):Brewmaster training & Brewing workshop



Great team work together to get great achievements in 2018, on sensory, CC, Food Safety, Packaging quality and TEL.




展示BS zone的分数趋势,把分数显示出来;


Raw material: We only select ingredients that meet our high quality and taste standards

Yeast management - We protect the heritage and integrity of our brands.

COP/WS: We never Compromise on Quality.

Freshness: Fresh Beer Tastes Better

Sensory SystemA better system to improve sensory quality. (先展示锥形图,在动画展示历程)

Globally rolled out in 2018, including APACS, EUROPE, AFRICA, LAN, MIA and COPEC.

BS: Zone 排名






Sensory APP


大标题:CC - Continuous improvement

CC evolution展示大区的CC趋势图

TOP defect ranking 柱状

Dirty bottle reduction:展示柱状图,同时出现效果52% decreased than 2017.

Effective Actions

Return Bottle Management (FOS) – RGB standard, RGB inspection, Cutting Line DBI  

Bottle Washer Management (PUT) – Pre-soaker, Spray nozzle inspection

EBI Management (SUQ) – Test Bottle integrity check,

Test bottle testing and recording



CC 趋势图


回瓶接收视频 - FOS

洗瓶机视频 - PUT




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